When will we know our flight details?
You will know your flight details about 15 days prior to departure.
Which airlines do you use?
Blue Sails takes into consideration several factors while deciding on the airline. The airline is selected based on reputation, fare, seat availability and the travel time involved. The aim is to choose the airline which takes the least time to fly , is comfortable to the students and offers a fare that fits in the budget.
What luggage can I carry?
Only 1 Medium size - 23 kgs STRONG SUITCASE WITH WHEELS per student for check-in is allowed. This bag will not be with you during air travel. It will go as check-in luggage and in coach it will go into luggage compartment.
1 Hand bag per student that weighs 7 kgs. This bag will remain with the student during air travel, as well as coach travel.
However, on internal sectors within the US, the airlines usually charge for check-in bags. This charge will have to be borne by the students so we suggest the students to travel with one bag only.
We strongly recommend that the students travel light. The best guideline is that you can bring what you can carry yourself as you have to pack and carry your own bags. We suggest smart and minimum choice of stuff. Students have to carry their own bags and load / remove them from the bus on their own. They also have to carry their bags on their own to their hotel rooms.
How do we pack our bags?
Students should pack and carry all costly and delicate equipment such as cameras, handy-cams, laptops, I pads, cell phones as well as money in their carry on bag. The airlines and our company will take no responsibility for items missing from the baggage.
Check In Bag- Clothing and all sharp articles-scissors, nail cutters, all eatables and personal items are to be packed in Check-in bag. Tooth Brush and toothpaste are also to be kept in check in baggage.
Hand Bag-1 set of clothes and jacket. Please ensure no gels, liquids deodorants; pastes,lotions etc are to be carried in the handbag. No sharp objects to be carried in the Handbag. Keep space to add Blue Sails Snack Pack.
Please look at the website of the specific airlines for exact restrictions on luggage and the changes in regulations from time to time.
What kinds of hotels does Blue Sails use?
Blue Sails always accommodates students in 3 and 4 star hotels. The hotels are selected based on quality, cleanliness, location and suitability. Most hotels in the US have facilities like free wireless internet, a swimming pool, laundry, ironing board and iron, snack bar, fitness center, computers and printer etc.
How many students stay in a room?
In the USA, the room size is large and has two double beds, so the sharing will be on quad basis. That is four (04) students share the room.
When will the parents get the information about the hotels?
Hotel information will be provided to all students and parents 15 days prior to departure.
What kind of food will be available during the tour?
Blue Sails always takes efforts to meet up to everybody’s taste and food preference. but sometimes food options are limited. We ensure to provide Indian meals for lunch or dinner. During the Space Camp students will get sufficient options but only American / Continental food. Vegetarian options are always available.
Breakfast is served at the hotel and usually offers a choice of fruits, eggs, sausages, waffles, bread, rolls, pastries, cereals/ corn flakes, milk, juice, tea and coffee.
How many meals will be provided?
We provide three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. During flights, the meals will be provided by airlines. Students need to specify their in-flight food preferences in the registration form.
What if I feel hungry at odd hours? Blue Sails provides a dry snack hamper to each student. In addition we recommend that you carry some light snacks from home in case you feel hungry at odd hours. Most hotels also have a 24 hour mini-shop / vending machines where you can buy some food items and beverages.
How do I contact my child when he/she is on the tour?
The Blue Sails Tour Leader will buy a US number as soon as the group reaches US, this will be communicated to the Parents. We will also be providing the phone number of the hotels to all parents and school authorities before we leave for the tour.
Once the group checks in to the hotels, we will email the room numbers to the parents, so that they can speak to the students.
Can my child call me?
Students should not call India from their hotels rooms directly as the rates from the hotel are very expensive. It might cost around $10 per minute to call India and the cost will have to be paid by the student making the call. It is better that the parents call the students.
In the US, students can also purchase calling cards for $5 or $10 to call their parents. A $5 calling card offers about 90 mins of talk time.
Can my child use his/her mobile to call/receive calls?
Students can carry their cell phones with global roaming but the roaming charges are quite expensive. We recommend usage of a Matrix card or a Reliance passport phone.
Is Internet available in the hotel?
Wireless Internet is available free of cost at the hotels in the US. Students can carry their laptops if they wish to use the Internet from their rooms. However the students must carry their laptops/mobiles/I pads on their own responsibility.
In the US, students can use the computers in the business center to email their family/friends.
How much foreign exchange can students carry?
We suggest they carry about 300 to 500 USD. The students can carry desired amount but please remember that they have to carry the amount on their personal responsibility. They cannot carry more than 3000 USD.
What type of clothes should they carry? (Clothing Guidelines):
The students should carry comfortable clothing. Clothes- Jeans/Burmudas-4-6 and Tshirts/shirts-7-8 ,Sweater – 1 and /or 1 Jacket, Under garments-10-12 pairs, Pair of good sport shoes ,Socks.- 8 to 10 pairs, Slip-on or sandals.
Students must also carry: a cap, Towels, Hand Napkins.
The students must also carry Swimming trunks (not Speedo type but longer trunks like shorts) should be carried by boys and girls can carry appropriate swimwear.
Can I wash clothes there?
In the US, the hotels will have a laundry with a coin-operated washing machine and a dryer. These can be used but we do not recommend washing clothes because ironing will have to be done yourself.
Clothes do not get dirty easily in the US so the same jeans can be worn for several days.
What electronic equipment can I carry?
Laptops, ipads, Cell Phones and Cameras are allowed, but will be the sole responsibility of the student, we will not take any responsibility for any loss or damage. Ipads, Phones or MP3 players will not be allowed during Space School program.
What is the electricity system in the US/Europe?
All electrical and electronic devices in the US work on 110 volts. Plugs from India won’t fit into sockets in the US .Students should carry a Universal travel adapter that will allow them to charge their camera/phone/mp3 player or any other device that they might be carrying. These adapters are available at all large electric equipment shops.
What if there is any Medical Emergency during the Space Camp
The Space Camp has a well equipped medical facility with round the clock Medical staff. The child is provided immediate and excellent treatment at the sick bay. In case he/she needs any further treatment, he/she will be shifted to the nearest hospital.
What if there is an Emergency during the rest of the tour?
Blue Sails Tour Leaders are trained to handle any minor illness & accident. They carry a complete first aid kit and common medicines to handle any minor injuries or health issues.
In case a student requires further medical attention, he/she will be immediately taken to the nearest hospital. We purchase comprehensive travel insurance to take care of any eventuality.
Allergies and existing medications.
If any student suffers from any allergy or is on medication, please let us know in advance and provide adequate medication along with a doctor’s prescription.
How safe is tap water?
Tap water in USA can be directly used to drink. Hence students are advised to carry their water bottles everywhere and keep filling them with tap water.
Safety Information
As a company, the safety of students is our supreme concern. The hotels, activities and places to visit are chosen keeping in mind the safety and security of the student. However, it is very important for students to follow the safety instructions provided to them by the Tour Leader, instructors and the staff at theme parks/attractions.
What safety precautions should I observe?
The students must stay with the group at all times. Do not stray away from the group on your own. Blue Sails Tour Leader will provide a slip with the contact number of the Tour Leader and the address and phone number of the hotels. Students must keep this slip in their wallet/purses and contact the Tour Leader using the nearest phone if they get separated from the group.
Never accept a lift from a stranger.
Stay with the group and do not wander around without taking permission from the Tour Leader.
Do not accept any items from strangers. Do not leave your luggage unattended or carry someone else’s luggage at any point of time.
Never leave valuables in your room unlocked. Keep the door locked and chained when you are in your room. Do not open the door to strangers. Do not give out your room number to strangers. Never climb out of windows, over balconies, etc. Read the emergency instructions in case of fire alarm. You must know the number of your Tour Leaders room and it’s location.
Stay in your room after the designated retiring time and do not wander around in the hotel or try to use the swimming pool at night.
The Passport will be in the student’s custody during the transist period. Other times, The Blue Sails Tour Leader will have the passport of all students in hi/her custody.
Students must carry a money belt / handbag and keep their passports safely in the money belt or handbag during the transit. Do not carry the passport in the hand or keep it in the seat pouch on the aircraft.
Always carry a copy of your passport in your suitcase and another copy in your hand bag. Hand over your passport to the Tour Leader as soon as you reach your destination.